🎶 THREE HOURS OF NEW MUSIC!!!!!! Check out this diverse and eclectic collection; there’s something in there for everyone who loves hard rock, heavy metal, extreme metal, experimental music and some surprises 🎶
♠️ PLEASE LIKE & SHARE ///// SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC AND PODCASTS! ♠️ Give the show a listen and tell everyone what you think!
♠️ With thanks to John Howarth, Golden Robot Records, Chris Maric from Maric Media, Janine Morcos from Dallas does PR, Metal Devastation PR, Earsplit PR and John Asher Media Relations ♠️
Featuring all-new songs from the following:
Tom Morello & Bring me The Horizon, Placebo, Me and that Man; Angles & Airwaves; Baabes; Evoking Winds; Abstracter; SUN OF THE SUNS; Barbarian Prophecies; Apparition; Thecodontion; BE’LAKOR; Antichrist Siege Machine; Panssarituho; Valar Morghulis; The Troops of Doom; WHITECHAPEL; Zeolite; The Omnific; Bjarte K. Helland; THSL feat Annie Nikolaidou & Kostas Tokas; Mono; Altars Of The Moon; Thy Row; Khemmis; Adarrak; Frontières; Sentinels; Dying Wish; ENDLESS; Killfeather; Ghosts Of Sunset; THE PINEAPPLE THIEF; TEMPT; ROSS JENNINGS; COMEBACK KID; SAECRED SPIRIT; DANGEREENS; Rob Zombie; Lesotho; Don’t Grow Old; Sweeping Death;
…and as always, Black Sabbath close out the show!